Digital (DRM) SSTV, is not a "digital "version of the conventional SSTV. It was originally designed for the shortwave broadcast industry as a means of high accuracy file transfer of images, audio, and data. The proper technical name is "DRM" (Digital Radio Mondiale). "Mondiale" in French means "WorldWide".
Quality and clairity of the received Digital SSTV image exceeds the capabilities of analog SSTV,images are received as exact copys of the orignal. Unlike Analog SSTV, DRM utilizes "Polynomial Codes" through special software encode and decode processing that enables "RS" Reed-Soloman) error correction.
Both Digital and Analog SSTV software require data to pass through a sound card for image processing just like many other digital modes(FT8,PSK31,etc)
The most popular Amateur Digital SSTV calling frequency is on 20 meters @ 14.233 mhz USB
taken from:http://www.k3as.com
EZ Pix is an image communication software for radio amateurs developed by Richard W3WVG, It is a software for exchanging images using standardized GMSK mode text through a transceiver.
EZ Pix uploads (transfers) the image from the sender to the folder automatically generated by the FTP server and saves it there. Then, the receiver decodes the GMSK signal containing standardized characters sent by the sender and downloads the image from the folder specified by the sender to display it on the computer screen.
Vist W3WVG's webpage by clicking the link below.
Click on the links below to be directed to more SSTV sites.